I had a pretty epic weekend in NYC... It goes a little something like this (*cue* Run DMC) ...
Friday night 8pm- Dinner at Fette Sau ('fat pig' in German) which is a meat BBQ type place.. they serve beer out of glass jars and the meat comes on a big tray for everyone to scavenge off... not for VEGETARIANS!!

We then made our way to the Union Pool which is an old pool supply store now fitted with a 60's vibe.. it even has a stone pond outside to dip your feet in on a hot tiger balm night...
Saturday 3pm- We went to P.S.1 which is an old school turned into a modern art exhibition space. We wondered around the exhibits which ranged from pieces of paper on the wall to a pool you could walk underneath the water and look up from...
At around 3pm the entrance to the venue turns into a huge outdoors party called the 'warm up' party... It is crazy electronic music (changes every Saturday through Summer) and they have a BBQ cook off and booze in abundance...
We left Williamsburg and ventured to the Chelsea Piers in Manhatten to board an old salvaged boat called 'The Frying Pan'... really brings meaning to a 'dive' bar!
I then treked back to the 'burg' to a rooftop party for some friend's joint b'days... SOOOOO much fun! The night ended with a bar fight... 36 stitches in a friends hand after falling through a glass table and an impromptu photoshoot with the girls outside the Emergency room in West Village...
What can I say?? Just bringing the West side to the East side!!
Sunday 4pm- Made our way to my new favourite Sunday haunt the Williamsburg East River 'Pool Party'... Followed by dinner @ Mugs Alehouse and then the Brooklyn Bowl for afterparty...
Cheers to you NYC xx
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