LA is on fire at the moment, literally! There have been huge bushfires in the hills and the city has been a constant 100 degrees lately. So crazy humid. Not good when you are moving house, which is what I have been doing.
After pretty much vowing to never live there again after our crazy experiences there in the first 3 months, (car accidents with police cars ring any bells?!) I've moved to Hollywood again. Found a cute little one bedroom. I've never lived alone and I'm really excited about just having my own space, too many years in share houses!
A couple of weekends ago some friends and I went to Sunset Junction. It's street fair in Silverlake that they throw every year. Bands like The Sonics and Arrested Development were playing this year, fun, food, music and booze. Good times!
We went to this bar after called the Red Lion. They serve beer in glass boots! But don't even think about trying to tuck it away under your jacket, they make you put a $100 deposit down just in case.. Guess more than one person has tried that one.
I've also started writing for an onilne magazine in Australia called Kluster. If you haven't checked them out, go to kluster.com.au
I recently wrote about my amazingly talented and beautiful sister, Natalia and her jewelery line, N.om. And on Monday, I was in Glendora hills with Jason Lee Parry, shooting a behind-the-scenes of a fashion shoot for Baby Baby Baby magazine. Few stills below but still working on the story.
LA has been good to me in these last few months. Bought my first car, found a new apartment and have made some of the most amazing friends ever.
Learning and
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